Thursday, November 25, 2010

Back on track

Ok, so as we all do, I fell off the horse.

My boyfriend and I got back together, and instead of being overwhelmingly happy, I was confused for a while. And I ate some junk to make myself feel better.

After a catch up session wtih my awesome trainer where I spilled all of my feelings and confusion, she made me feel a lot better. I also did a lot of thinking... and as long as my boyfriend stays supportive, I've realised this is what I want.

I weighed in yesterday and I'm down to 106.6 kg, and I also tried on my belt which I havent worn for 8 weeks and I can get it 7cm tighter now, so my waist is going down which is great!

It's not going to be easy and there's always people in my way making it harder, but my trainer reminds me that I have to just go after what I want.. I have to make myself my number one priority again.

When I'm exercising in the street and people toot their car horns or yell out at me, I just try and tell myself that they are just jealous because at least I'm trying... well that's what my trainer says to do hehe
sometimes it works... sometimes it doesnt
it's hard to stay strong when you feel embarrassed, but when I'm skinny they'll have nothing to say!

I've also been hitting the gym a lot, and FINALLY realising my dream of jogging.... I used to jog 30 metres and then die... But after the last 2 months of training, I jogged for 10 minutes on the treadmill the other day.
it might has well have been 10 hours, because i was so damn excited and proud!

Here comes the weekend...

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