Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Just finished training session

I met my trainer about 2 months ago now.

When we first started, i was 114.4 and as a 162cm female in my early 20's this is not good... at all!

We had a few false starts due to me going on holidays, but my weight at my last weigh in was 109 on Thurs 4/11/10. I weigh in again tomorrow.

Currently on a 3 week break from my boyfriend of almost 5 years, due to him being sick of supporting me then me eating whatever I wanted on our holiday and he is fed up. Have to say I don't blame him... you can only support someones addiction for so long before you get sick of dealing with it, and I don't hold any grudge against him. I'm 2 weeks in and missing him like hell, but I'm trying to use the time to focus on me and what I want.

My current goal is to get under 100 by New Years.

100 kilos has always been a barrier for me, and everytime I get close, I get scared and self sabotage. I am now trying to get excited about changes instead of scared, and think about all the great clothes I'll get to wear and how much easier exercising will be.


  1. Keep up the good work. I will be following your journey.


  2. Hey Sasha04,
    Congratulations for making the decision to do this I am also on the same journey as you I will add your blog to mine. You can follow my blog at www.fatburden.wordpress.com. We can both support each other

  3. Thanks Christine and "fatburden", it means a lot to have people following me and supporting my dream of getting to a nice healthy weight.
